
Molded By Marc: Mentorship Program

Join Marc’s Mentorship Program and elevate your game both on the field and in the classroom. Our tailored guidance and support will help you excel in your academic and athletic pursuits, unlocking your full potential and paving the way for a brighter future. One lucky student and one lucky athlete will be choosen for this program.

The power of Mind Engineering


Goal Setting

Clarify and visualize your goals to create a clear path to achievement.



Develop routines and habits that reinforce focus and productivity.


Growth Mindset

Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and improve continuously.

Empowering the Next Generation:

We at Mind Engineering Corporation think that the human mind is capable of infinite things. Our goal is to help people realize their full potential by providing them with specialized mentorship programs that encourage and enable them to pursue their dreams. We are excited to provide two outstanding students—one a committed scholar and the other an aspiring athlete—with an exclusive mentorship opportunity this year.

Mentorship Program For Athletes:

Athlete excellence is a mental as well as a physical quest. Our athlete mentoring program focuses on the following areas:

Mental Resilience: Methods to improve mental toughness, such as visualization, meditation, and positive self-talk.
Goal Setting: To monitor advancement and maintain motivation, establish specific, doable objectives.
Performance Under Pressure: Techniques for handling pressure and delivering your best work when competing.
Healthy Mind, Healthy Body: Stressing the value of mental health in addition to physical exercise.

Mentorship Program For Academics:

Academic achievement necessitates self-management and a planned approach to learning in addition to hard work. Our academic mentorship program consists of the following:

Effective Study Techniques: Personalized guidance on focus, time management, and effective learning strategies.
Critical Thinking: Fostering the development of analytical and problem-solving skills.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing interpersonal, empathy, and resilience to succeed in social and academic contexts.
Growth Mindset: Promoting an attitude that sees obstacles as chances for development and education.

Why Choose Mind Engineering Corporation?

Individualized Coaching: Every student is given a customized mentorship plan that is tailored to their individual requirements and objectives. CEO Mind Engineering Yves Marc Lemieux offer one-on-one coaching to make sure every student can fully unlock their potential.
Comprehensive Support: We provide a comprehensive approach that incorporates not just mental training but also helpful guidance on diet, sleep, and lifestyle management.
Reliable Methods: Our programs are founded on cognitive psychology, mindfulness, and performance coaching methods that have been scientifically validated. These techniques aim to improve resilience, attention, and mental toughness.

Join Us In Unlocking Your Full Potential

Our goal at Mind Engineering Corporation is to develop the next generation of leaders. Our goal is to give participants in our mentorship programs the encouragement they need to succeed beyond expectations. We are eager to support our mentees as they strive for greatness.

How to Apply?

We cordially encourage determined students who aspire to be top performers in sports or academics to apply for our mentorship program. Please click on desired button below to submit your application, along with a brief essay explaining your goals and why you think our program would be beneficial to you.

we are Mind Engineers

At Mind Engineering Corporation, we are the architects of your limitless potential. We specialize in unleashing the power of hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to unlock the untapped capabilities within you. Through our tailored services, we guide individuals on transformative journeys, empowering them to break through barriers, overcome limitations, and achieve their highest aspirations. At Mind Engineering Corporation, we believe in harnessing the innate power of the mind to engineer lasting change and unlock a future of unlimited possibilities.

Our methods have been tested:

I was looking for new ways to increase my performance and get the edge. The sessions that I had with Yves Marc Lemeiux (CEO of Mind Engineering Corporation) and Mind Engineering Corporation's workshops got me to the next level of my game. Thank you, Mind Engineering Corporation
Thank you Mind Engineering Corporation for your workshops to reconnect with who I am and help me build the champion in me, form the inside out
Since I started with Marc Lemieux (CEO of Mind Engineering Corporation), my life has taken a turn for the better. We started on May 31st, 2020. Since then, each session and workshop gave me increased focus, willpower, energy and most of all, an increase self esteem.
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